An exploration of the secrets of the Arctic, a mysterious and sparsely populated place. Due to the hostile climate of these territories, the wildlife and tribes of the Inuit population struggle to ...
Denmark, April 9th, 1940. A Danish industrialist, cooperates and profits from the German occupation of Denmark, while his family finds themselves on opposite sides of the conflict.
奈良出身の声楽家で合唱団を率いる荒井敦子さん。カウラ事件から80周年の今年は、5月に現地を訪れて地元の学生に歌を指導し、8月の記念式典ではカウラそして日本の子どもたちと一緒に歌を披露しました。オーストラリアそしてカウラとの縁などについてシドニーのスタ ...
За Меѓународниот ден на преводот, 30 Септември, со овластениот преведувач Филип Кочовски од Мелбурн, ве носиме во ...
Унгарскиот премиер Виктор Орбан (л) во посета на црквата "Св. Богородица Перивлепта" во Охрид, изградена во 1294/5 година, ...
For those who study abroad, especially at undergraduate level and are not English speakers, they have additional burdens in ...
標有 AUST R 和 AUST L(A) 的藥品已經過療效評估,而標有 AUST L 的藥品則未經過療效評估。 Source: SBS / Aaron Wan ...
Bagi mereka yang belajar di manacanegara terutama untuk tingkat S1 dan bukan penutur Bahasa Inggris, mereka mempunyai ...
1,000명의 콴타스 엔지니어들이 급여 협상에 항의하며 파업에 돌입했습니다. 오늘 오전 7시 부터 9시까지 2시간 동안의 파업에는 브리즈번, 시드니, 캔버라, 멜버른, 애들레이드, 퍼스의 주요 공항 직원들이 참여했습니다.
Ronaldo Batista é atleta profissional de calistenia, e quer expandir o esporte na Austrália. Ronaldo compete pela modalidade ...
Bank Sentral Australia telah mempertahankan suku bunga tetap stabil, seperti yang diharapkan oleh para ekonom. Dengan ...
Qantas says there's been minimal disruption so far from industrial action by its maintenance workers, who are seeking a ...