Factors that contribute to burnout include having little control over decisions, long-standing stressful situations, and a perceived lack of support from leaders.
These studies offer a useful view of the problem of burnout as well as solutions for organizational change. There is ...
The use of RBL, a fecal microbiota-based live biotherapeutic, was safe and efficacious for recurrent CDI prevention in a large cohort of adults with common comorbidities.
COVID-19 disrupted established patterns of seasonal transmission for several major respiratory Illnesses, with the exception of rhinovirus.
In patients with psoriasis receiving immunomodulatory therapy, some immune responses to COVID-19 vaccination were positive whereas others were not.
Measles cases in England are consistent with the waning of vaccine-induced immunity, according to study findings.
HealthDay News — In the 2023 to 2024 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season, more than half of infants were protected by maternal RSV vaccine, nirsevimab, or both, according to research published in ...
Targeted therapies for PsA are effective for reducing the use of symptomatic treatments, sick leave, and rates of hospitalization.
Quality of life in glaucoma patients can best be determined using the NEI-VFQ-25 and visual acuity evaluations.
Emotion regulation and pain catastrophizing influenced pain severity and interference in patients taking opioid medications for chronic noncancer pain.
Supplemental allergy patch testing in patients with suspected ACD revealed allergens not detected in standard screening.
Candidate CDI vaccine PF-06425090 was not effective for primary infection prevention but it was efficacious against CDI-related medical attention and antibiotic intervention.