Hezbollah has been propped up by Iran all these years to be a threat on Israel’s border that Tehran can activate in case of ...
“Iran doesn’t fight for its proxies, its proxies fight for it,” said Jonathan Lord, a former Pentagon official and director ...
Iteration with End-User Feedback: Early iteration, experimentation, and testing result in better acquisition outcomes, system ...
The White House National Security Council said it was deeply concerned by the Reuters report of the drones programme, which ...
The report identifies key factors that have enabled the Department of Defense (DoD) to rapidly innovate and deliver new ...
Synack, a cyber security company founded by former members of the National Security Agency, has hired 1,600 ethical hackers ...
Australia should focus its co-production of PGMs on weapons that have a large international market so that its industry can ...
Strengthen coalitions to counter the China-Russia entente in East Asia. Expand discussions on extended deterrence and ...
The People’s Republic of China (PRC), particularly under the rule of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Xi ...
Moscow, meanwhile, is deepening relationships as it shares more sensitive military knowhow with Beijing, Tehran and Pyongyang ...
What’s more, up until recently, troops who served for less than 20 years weren’t entitled to retirement benefits, even though ...
Richard Fontaine, CEO of the Centre for a New American Security (CNAS), a non-partisan think tank in Washington, said ...