Stellantis announced today cut in estimates for the current yearbut she is not alone: ​​also Aston Martin worsened the ...
During an archaeological study on the territory of Nazca lines in the hinterland of Peru (about 450 km south of ...
There piracy represents a gigantic problem in itself for the entertainment industry. A problem that turns into a catastrophe for ...
The first to “discover” the existence of Big Men he was the American anthropologist Marshall Sahlins on one of his trips to ...
The matriarchy it is an organization of society within which the women they maintain a higher degree of power compared ...
Photo credits of the two leaders: Since the African state ofEritreaformer Italian capital colony Asmarait became ...
The world of aviation is also going through a transition phase towards electric, and battery-powered aircraft they represent ...
Week all in all positive for the real estate sector on international markets, which follows the increases marked by the ...
Historically, Italians keep a small treasure of high-end jewelery at home, often gifts or family heirlooms, the real value of ...
The expression “attack a button” is used to indicate when a person starts a long conversation and often boring with ...
This live broadcast closed at 6pm on Friday. The European stock exchanges closed the last session of the week with ...
The week for the financial markets ended in positive territory. Acting as an assist to the stock lists, not only ...