The People’s Republic of China celebrated its 75th anniversary on Tuesday, October 1. The anniversary is both political spectacle and the advent of a week-long holiday marked by decidedly apolitical ...
A local cadre from the northern province of Heilongjiang was recently expelled from the Chinese Communist Party for reading ...
Teng Biao, born on August 2, 1973 in Jilin Province, is a human rights lawyer, activist, and former professor who is dedicated to exposing China’s human rights abuses and fighting against its ...
Yesterday, police in Xi’an announced the arrest of a 33-year-old woman for rumor mongering. Her crime? Posting a video claiming that it was snowing in Xi’an, when in fact it was not. In a notice ...
Whether in Hong Kong or Europe, museums that showcase exhibitions related to China sometimes succumb to Xi Jinping’s warning for the arts to foster “correct” viewpoints of history and culture. The ...
本轮上涨,短期主要是由一系列的金融政策利好驱动,比如大力引导中长期资金入市、降准降息正式落地等等。9月29日晚间,沪、广、深一系列楼市新政进一步振奋了市场预期。但我们也应该看到,本轮股市上涨并非是经济基本面发生了什么样的巨大变化,也正因此,接下来政策 ...
在黎巴嫩连环爆炸事件发生后,一些“苹果手机也被引爆”的假图片假视频也开始在中文互联网上传播,并得到一些网络大V的转发,成为了某种“立场正确的谣言”。尽管已有官方媒体及时出面辟谣,但还有很多人表示不买账,坚持认为“苹果手机和特斯拉汽车存在遥控爆炸的风险 ...
独立媒体 WOMEN我们 日前发表报道《软肋》,揭示了中国政府利用子女作为打压维权行动者的工具,剥夺他们子女的基本权利,导致这些孩子失去正常的教育权利和生活环境,给他们造成了严重的心理创伤,展现了中国政府对异议者及其家属采取的残酷镇压手段。