The right-wing cabinet led by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (NCP) wants to amend the Aliens Act to tighten rules on detention ...
All Points North explores the role a pair of giant pandas have played in legal proceedings, Finnish diplomatic relations, and ...
The Kainuu Border Guard’s crossing points in Kuusamo and Vartius, like all others on the eastern border, are closed ...
A proposed increase in VAT from the beginning of next year would leave local transport operators with few options: either ...
Coast Guard, rescue and port officials conducted an exercise in Helsinki’s Katajanokka and Jätkäsaari districts on Thursday.
Finland is in discussions with Norway and Denmark about a possible joint evacuation operation to repatriate citizens from ...
The top three in Yle's party support poll remained the same in September. The Social Democrats remained at the top of the ...
Spot prices for electricity exceeded 60 cents per kWh on Wednesday, and are expected to hit 43 cents on Thursday – but some ...
Lahden ja Tampereen välisellä 12-tiellä on sattunut liikenneonnettomuus iltapäivällä kello 15 jälkeen. Yksi henkilö on ...
Poliisi on parhaillaan paikalla Venäjän suurlähetystön edustalla Helsingissä Tehtaankadulla. Poliisin johtokeskuksesta ...
Jääkiekkoasiantuntija Ismo Lehkonen selvittää, mistä Ilveksen alkukauden huippuvire kumpuaa jääkiekkoliigassa.
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