Crop farmer and small business owner Owen van Rooi is currently pursuing an honours degree in agribusiness after obtaining his degree in horticulture at the Namibian University ...
In a world where practical skills are in high demand, Paulus Ishitile stands out as an inspiring figure. As the founder of Brave and Achievers College of Artisans, he is not ...
Access to affordable housing is increasingly recognised as a crucial driver of economic empowerment, social inclusion and community well-being. In Namibia, the struggle ...
Die veerkragtige spoorsnyhond wie se regtervoorbeen in April vanjaar ná ’n skietvoorval geamputeer moes word, is nou die trotse pa van ses klein babahondjies.Troy en ...
The rise in nominal gross domestic product (GDP) relative to the government’s debt stock has resulted in a marginal decline in Namibia’s debt obligations for the month of ...
The adage “from shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” highlights the struggle of keeping family wealth intact. While it’s wise to take proverbs with a grain ...
GFG Slasto Supplies has been a key player in the natural stone industry since 2006, offering a wide range of slate products sourced directly from the Namibian landscape.
ASX-listed Deep Yellow has appointed Jim Morgan as project delivery head. He will take on the role of project director for Deep Yellow’s flagship Tumas project in Namibia.A ...
The Bank of Namibia (BoN) is championing the introduction of a central securities depository (CSD) that, once launched, will give foreign investors greater access to ...
Die duinbedekte, woestynagtige Stampriet Artesiese Kom (SAB) is al 'n boerderygebied vir langer as 'n eeu, geheel en al afhanklik van grondwater vir sy bestaan ??en ...
Dokumentêre films en reekse word plaaslik en wêreldwyd toenemend gewild omdat kykers 'n groeiende belangstelling in die storie agter die storie het. Namibiërs kan hierdie ...
Die voortgesette waterkrisis en -onderbrekings op Okahandja is die gevolg van ‘n klep wat onlangs deur NamWater installeer is. Die munisipaliteit se uitvoerende hoof ...