An AI law should be introduced in California. However, the governor responsible sees too many burdens for AI companies.
For years, 1N Telecom has been up to mischief and pulling money out of the pockets of deceived customers. Consumer advocates ...
Apple's first major iOS 18 update is due to be released in October. The list of expected innovations is surprisingly long.
The Tor network enables anonymous surfing. The Linux distribution Tails uses this network to protect privacy. The two ...
The Raspberry Pi AI Camera combines an image sensor and AI computing unit, e.g. for object recognition. The controlling ...
Four committees have made several recommendations on NIS2 to the Federal Council. Manuel Atug explains what was wordlessly ...
Microsoft warns of the Storm-0501 ransomware group, which is now apparently targeting hybrid cloud environments.
Shortly before the end of the next round of financing for the ChatGPT makers, Apple is said to have withdrawn. Microsoft is ...
Apple and game developer Epic Games have long been at loggerheads over revenue sharing – and now the legal dispute looks set ...
Ab dem 2. Oktober lernen Sie in fünf Terminen Ihre sensiblen Daten effektiv zu schützen – mit Verschlüsselung, digitalen ...
Das Tor-Netzwerk ermöglicht anonymes Surfen. Die Linux-Distribution Tails nutzt dieses Netzwerk zur Wahrung der Privatsphäre.
Seit Jahren treibt die 1N Telecom ihr Unwesen und zieht Getäuschten das Geld aus der Tasche. Verbraucherschützer berichten ...