A seminary degree program at Bethel will prepare you to begin or advance a career in ministry, nonprofit work, organizational leadership, and more. Our online programs are designed for busy adults who ...
Bethel’s robust MBA program consists of a total of 42 credits, with 30 credits of core curriculum and 12 credits in any one of the eight concentrations. Four concentrations are offered through Bethel ...
The Strategy and Execution concentration is for those who want to drive growth and revenue in today's chaotic marketplace. You'll learn how to create an environment of ongoing innovation, craft ...
Bethel’s Teaching Licenses program offers you the opportunity to gain skills and methods that have the greatest impact on today’s students in a variety of elementary, middle, and high school ...
This grades 9-12 Life Science license will prepare you to teach science courses to high school students. It can be coupled with a grades 5-8 General Science License. Standards of safety and chemical ...
In our K-12 Principal License program, you will be equipped, empowered, and inspired toward success in administrative leadership. The program is designed to provide you with the right blend of ...
Bethel’s Teacher Coordinator of Work-Based Learning License program helps educators plan experiences that give their students the chance to learn in work settings outside of the classroom. Develop an ...
The Autism Spectrum Disorders License will prepare you to serve students in birth to age 21 settings who have been identified with autism spectrum disorders. If you already hold a special education ...
In our Academic Behavioral Strategist License program, you’ll be prepared to serve K-12 students in a variety of mild to moderate disability categories, including Autism Spectrum Disorders, Emotional ...
Our Emotional and Behavioral Disorders License program prepares you to serve K-12 students who have been identified with mild to severe emotional and behavior disorders. If you already hold a special ...
You'll complete 100% of your coursework online. Examination of the roles school leaders play as they pertain to ethics and influencing the school community. Analysis of the historical, philosophical ...
Our Associate of Science degree gives you the option to major in business or create an individualized major. Both options will upgrade your career skills and prepare you for further education.